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Initially I thought of a summer date because much is done in November and December toward giving and because I know those who are giving care to someone who is shut in or limited in mobility, could use a boost during the months when everyone is enjoying the sunshine, picnicking, going on vacations and having summer fun. So, my priorities this week as far as this issue is concerned, is to do what I can to find out all I can before launching an attempt to set a date, It could be beneficial to wait and do it in November, but one of the things I know personally from being a care giver for so long, ANY day would be appreciated by the care provider. To have a focused day to support a care giver could bring consideration to them and raise awareness to their needs in a positive way. The same holds true for things like Mother’s Day or Father’s Day or holidays. When there is a day set aside for a cause, like a race or a walk or another type of fund raiser, people can get energy behind it. It is my belief that a specific, condensed focus is easier for people in our world. Hearing from people who were or are care givers themselves and hearing from those who have been in the field themselves for years guides me to want to pursue the idea of a National Day even more. Only one, a friend who works in activities, mentioned the national caregiver month, which leads me to believe the very thing I was relaying to my previous supervisor. I received many emails from all over from friends and professionals who were enthusiastic about the idea of doing something directed toward the support of care providers. I had Googled it and because of my previous work in the Activity field, I was aware of the National Care Giver’s Month, but as I said to her in my reply, I thought the only people who paid attention to those things were Activity Directors because we would plan our calendars around monthly themes. During correspondence last week about the idea, a previous supervisor asked if I was aware that November is National Caregiver’s Month. This was going to be the week to discuss what a caregiver support day could look like and I have been working on a list for the future, but my original plan to have a National Day to support care providers, will need more investigation, research and planning. And if anyone knows of a congressman who knows firsthand what it is like to provide care, please pass this on to them. So if any of these are of interest, they should be easy to cut and paste onto Google: I worked on it much of the day but my computer would not allow the link and when I tried to work around it I couldn't get it through Blogger. I apologize that they cannot be direct links. These are just some organizations and websites devoted to helping the care provider. While I continue to email organizations, get feedback and look into congressional support, I thought this might be a good opportunity to share some of the wonderful help that is out there for the care provider with organizations who want to assist to make the burden lighter. Those who see the difficulties of giving care are so supportive of this and together I know we can make it happen. I still like the idea of a date in summer, but I am also very aware that the date is flexible if the day can happen. I met this week with a woman who was helpful in suggesting that my next step might be to find a Senator or some other member of Congress who could support the idea and bring it to the floor.Īs this unfolds, my original date for July is obviously too close so my latest thought for a date is the 4th of August, which I chose simply because there are four letters in the word care and eight in provider. Care giving organizations so far are for it. I have received emails of support and suggestions of other organizations where I can propose the idea. Opening our eyes to some of their struggles and doing something to help would be such a gift, even if it was the smallest of gestures. It strengthened my resolve to see a National Day for Care Providers happen. It touched me while it tore at my heart to see this beautiful couple whose love transcended what medical expenses and everyday living expenses were doing to cause need in their lives.

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She was her spouse’s care provider as well as his sweetheart. While there, I was honored to meet a wonderful senior couple who were married only a year.

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This week I had the privilege to be part of a wonderful outreach in NE Ohio thru Convoy of Hope.

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I missed you last week so Happy Belated Father’s Day to all those men out there who have given some guidance or support to another in a fatherly way.

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